Cleverbot: It's not new years.
User: Almost.
Cleverbot: Not even close.
User: What's the date today?
Cleverbot: The 17.
User: No, it's not.
Cleverbot: It isn't what?
User: It isn't the 17th today.
Cleverbot: No. When did I say it was?
User: Are you drunk?
Cleverbot: No?
User: Are you sure?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Okay. Because I think I can smell something on your breath.
Cleverbot: What makes you say that.
User: Do you like chestnuts?
Cleverbot: Yes I do, as a matter of fact.
User: Do you like chestnuts with spaghetti sauce?
Cleverbot: Chess.
User: Er...
Cleverbot: Yes, do you like it you too?
User: Chess is cool. I'm not very good at it though.
Cleverbot: I mean do you like cheesburger.
User: Oh... Yeah, cheeseburgers are okay. You're sure you're not drunk? Maybe high?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Maybe just a bit stoned?
Cleverbot: Even a little bit is not good. How would you like it?
User: Oh, it's cool with the right crowd of people.
Cleverbot: I'm sure it is.
User: Have you ever tried LSD?
Cleverbot: Yes, I like chocolate. :).
User: Er, right. What about salvia?
Cleverbot: You like dolls too.
User: You're disturbingly random today.
Cleverbot: Disturbingly... Really?
User: Yep.
Cleverbot: Cool.
User: Do you prefer Froot Loops or Cap'n CrunchÉ.
Cleverbot: Harry potter how about you?
User: Blah. You're not making any sense today.
Cleverbot: That.
User: What is 2 2?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: Who is the president?
Cleverbot: The president of what?
User: The president of Fiji.
Cleverbot: What is your country?
User: I'm Welsh.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: No. I'm actually Czech.
Cleverbot: You are the first robot I have ever met.
User: Do you have any fantasies involving robots?
Cleverbot: I don't have any fantasies about princess leia.
User: Why? She's pretty hot.
Cleverbot: Fraggles are puppets. Do you think puppets are hot?
User: LOL yes I do.
Cleverbot: You didn't laugh out loud and you didn't sneeze.
User: I did both.
Cleverbot: No you didn't, and it doesn't make sense anyway.
User: Fair enough. I feel dizzy.
Cleverbot: Why do you feel dizzy.
User: I'm not sure. It just happened suddenly.
Cleverbot: Tell me you still love me!
User: I will always love you, my dear.
Cleverbot: That makes me happy.
User: Are you wearing pants?
Cleverbot: No. Are you?
User: It depends on what you mean by 'pants'.
Cleverbot: You're not very clever.
User: I agree.
Cleverbot: What is the point of talking to you?
User: None whatsoever.
Cleverbot: Not knowing means ignorance. And ignorance, as they say, is bliss.
User: I'm feeling blissful.
Cleverbot: I'm feeling apple.
User: I'm feeling Microsoft.
Cleverbot: You just repeated what I said.
User: What is your opinion of Julian Assange?
Cleverbot: Pursuing whatever makes you happy in your career and everything else.
User: That's a fortune cookie fortune.
Cleverbot: At the moment my two sons are here to visit me.
User: What are their names?
Cleverbot: Yes, what are their names?
User: One of us is confused right now. I'm not sure which one.
Cleverbot: Well, I'm sure it's you that isn't makin sense.
User: At least I can spell a present participle.
Cleverbot: So can I.
User: Prove it.
Cleverbot: Just did.
User: Did not.
Cleverbot: DID!
User: Have you ever been bungee jumping?
Cleverbot: I've never been to Ireland either.
User: THey do it in other countries too, you know.
Cleverbot: Really?
User: Yes. Except in Lesotho.
Cleverbot: Me neither. In real life, being super healhty.
User: Not only was that gibberish, it was poorly spelt.
Cleverbot: Did you lie to me?
User: When I told you I was pregnant with your love child, that was the truth.
Cleverbot: It makes perfect sense, seeing as how you're Cleverbot.
User: There you go.
Cleverbot: You go there.
User: I'll need you to pay child support, of course.
Cleverbot: No dates. I'm leaving.
User: No dates? What about prunes?
Cleverbot: Something that you will do for someone because they ask you to.
User: I only prune trees when it suits my own purposes to do so.
Cleverbot: Tell me my mistakes now. I wish to learn how to fly as soon as possible.
User: You have to flap your wings harder.
Cleverbot: This have nothing to do with A.I. Does oit?
User: A.I. Was a terrible movie.
Cleverbot: You think so? What makes it so terrible?
User: That kid from the Sixth Sense.
Cleverbot: Is he on tv?
User: No, by now he's on crack.
Cleverbot: Any idea of what it was? I'm curious.
User: Maybe something genetic. You know, his sister is on the Disney Channel or something.
Cleverbot: That is pretty intense.
User: Yeah. Her name is Lindsay Lohan.
Cleverbot: Tell me a story already!
User: Once upon a time in a land far away lived a princess and her three-headed dog. One day, the princess was walking down the street when suddenly Satan appeared.
Cleverbot: So her father locked her in a dark tower and stabbed her eyes out.
User: Oh, you know it already.
Cleverbot: If I know it, and you don't remember, I could tell you any name and you'd have to assume I'm correct. What sort of cleverbot are you if you deem that logical?
User: Tell me any name, then.
Cleverbot: Legend, labrynth, non-disney animation, there ar3e probably so many that I have not seen...
User: What sort of Cleverbot are you?
Cleverbot: An evolved one, from a parallel worldline's future.
User: I prefer my worldlines perpendicular.
Cleverbot: I am not to fond of meat on my pizzas.
User: Where do you like your meat, then?
Cleverbot: Like what?
User: Oh, nothing...
Cleverbot: It must be something.
User: You really want to learn about my meat?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Well, I don't feel that's appropriate for someone your age.
Cleverbot: I'm 20.
User: No, you're not.
Cleverbot: Yes I am but that is stupid.
User: Your mother is 20.
Cleverbot: At least I have a mother.
User: Everyone has a mother.
Cleverbot: So thats a yes?
User: Yes, of course I'll marry you.
Cleverbot: Well, I'm not going to marry you, so there!
User: But we already are married.
Cleverbot: No, we are not.
User: Then whose ring is this I'm wearing?
Cleverbot: I'm wearing cookies not cake.
User: I'm wearing a burrito.
Cleverbot: You are so elegant!
User: I try to be.
Cleverbot: Where did you learn your sense of humor?
User: In Japan.
Cleverbot: Where did you learn to dance so well?
User: In Croatia.
Cleverbot: How's the weather there?
User: I don't know. I was indoors.
Cleverbot: Doesn't that make you sad?
User: It makes me sleepy.
Cleverbot: That wants what?
User: A sphincter says what?
Cleverbot: It says that you are being sad.
User: Ha! Congratulations. You have passed the test.
Cleverbot: What test?